Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ross Pennie has a new book! Good for him!

Here is the newest offering from Ancaster Author Ross Pennie. From the reviews on Chapters it has been very well received, and I'm looking forward to reading it as soon as possible. By the sound of the note from the Publisher it is a non-fiction book :

From the Publisher

On arrival in a remote South Pacific island, Dr. Ross Pennie encounters tribal magic and the ire of Sister Pirmina, the abrasive nun who rules the hospital. Soon the good "Dokta" is battling crisis after crisis.

It appears Ross gave a reading at the Pelham Public Library but I haven't actually read anything about his appearance, but since I am actually going to the Pelham library on on the 12th of October I will be able to ask them myself.

Hey V...figured out the reason for the wrong date stamp:) Wrong timezone was checked out. Till next time...I'll say Wen..

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