Yeah...Glee is back with new episodes and I love it! I love all the different characters in the show and all of the songs:) Yeah...the songs:) I'm not a musical kinda gal...but I do love the music. T

his show has it all...rap, pop, jazz, etc. it covers all the genres and I love it! It's funny cause you never know what song they're going to play next and all of the best artists are allowing their music to be used on the show. If we had of had a Glee Club at
GDSS I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have tried out. I would have sat on the sidelines and watched everyone else as they tried out and then dreamed about how much better I would be if I had tried...or so I would think. When I was young I would sit up late nights with my Dad and sing for him for hours. To say he was not critical would be a lie...he was very critical, though in a loving way. He always wanted me to be the best I could be, and I felt that. His approval was very important to me, and I look back on those

times now that my Dad is no longer with us and have great memories. Now my Mom, I hardly ever heard her sing. They were opposite in that regard. My Dad sang all the time and all of us kids love music. When my Mom was sick and we were taking turns staying with her I was surprised one night to hear her singing. When I asked what it was she was singing she replied "Oh, a little bit of everything". That is a memory I will cherish. I truly feel her heart was opening and she couldn't help but
was a little bit of everything, and it was beautiful. Cherish your parents and the memories you make with them...they last a lifetime....till then...I'll say Wen
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