Funny how when you're feeling pretty healthy you take your doctor for granted. After noticing a suspicious looking mole on my breast, and deliberating for a day or three, I called to make an appointment with said doctor to have it checked out. http://breastselfexam.ca/ Since my doctor and I have the type of relationship that if he doesn't bother me, I won't bother him...it had been a while since we had spoken. Much to my surprise my doctor didn't practice there anymore...in fact, he has since semi-retired. It seems he is only seeing a handful of seniors at the present time and I just miss qualifying by a year or two for inclusion. I guess he felt it was time I started seeing other doctors and ended our relationship. What to do? I didn't want to test drive a future physician on impulse...doctors are hard enough to come by...so off to the clinic I went...a perk of living in the big city. I was pleasantly surprised that I was seen immediately, didn't even have an opportunity to read an old magazine! Doctor and nurse were extremely comforting and efficient and after a quick examination I was told to return a week later and the offending mole would be removed and sent to be tested. Yada, yada, blah, blah....fast forward two weeks, mole and resulting stitches removed...not without a little drama. Since the incision refuses to heal satisfactorily I am forced to return weekly. So much for the quick and easy fix. My breasts haven't seen this much action in ages...and quite frankly I'm ready to end this relationship. And as soon as the test results are back I will...I'd say I'll keep you posted, but as long as the news is good, I think I've shared enough about my breasts with you for awhile...Till then, I'll say Wen...
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