It's that means Hockey Time! I've loved hockey forever...and the Leafs in particular. Every year I think things might be a little different...and every year my heart

breaks a little more. Wendel Clark has been my modern day favourite ever since he was drafted #1 for the Leafs. He brought so much to the city and Leafs Nation in particular. In 93 we made a real run for the cup and came so close. The city was rockin! It was so hard to lose to LA and be so close to being in the final. New kid on the block this year is Naseem Kadra. He's a cocky k

id from TO and he's been one of the best players on every team he's played on...till now. At the rate he's going it will be the AHL f

or him at the start of the season. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, my biggest worry is that Wilson is trying to be such a badass instead of a motivated that he might break his spirit. You do have to nurture young talent...not just berate them all the time.
I'm not saying that you have to baby them....but work toward

them making the team...not being humiliated down to the minors. You can still send them down...but with a positive message...not cutting them down in the press constantly, and in Toronto that's not hard to do. It would be nice to have a player like Tucker, who just hung them up this past week, being a part of the Toronto team. He weighed like 170 and most of that was bad attitude and heart. You always knew where you stood...and where he stood. Best of luck to Darcy in retirement.
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