This is the way to start Christmas morning:) Thanks for the cookies Val...I purposely waited to enjoy them with a fresh cup of coffee this morning...and they were worth the wait!
Since you are my one faithful subscriber, I devote this post to you..my sister, the person who has known me longer..and better...than anyone else on this earth! Lucky you!
I have so many wonderful memories of Christmas and all of the traditions that we had...especially on Park Rd. It's funny that you don't really think while you're living in the moment, how much these experiences will help form the person you become. Do you think Dad

My biggest regret is that we lost our parents way too soon and all the memories our kids are missing out on. If they could see our kids now...and how they have all turned out they would be so proud!
Enough nostalgia... On with the merriment!
Merry Christmas Val...I love you.
Till then...I'll say Wen
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