I can't believe how fast the time is going. On January 12th Ethan turned 29! Hard to believe...at least for me anyway. Look at that face..look at that chair! What kind of a mother am I? Both my boys are cuties...they take after...somebody else obviously:) I'm not sure I'm ready for a full week of work after having a snow day this past week. It sure helped me get some of my homework caught up! It's Super Bowl Sunday and I haven't even had the TV on. That sure is a change for me. Finally feeling like I've got things under control...at least for the time being. I hope to try and do a little bit everyday, but by the time I get home at night it's so hard to get into homework...and on top of that I get myself so confusing about which assignment and for what course I'm working on ! Old age will do that to you. I just hope I get the opportunity to use this diploma:) Loving the Subject Analysis and Classification course. Hopefully I will get an opportunity to use it sometime in the future. That is a conversation I hope to have with the boss when I have my work evaluation. Should be interesting to say the least. Till then...I'll say Wen..
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