Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Val!

The Breakfast of Champions!!

This is the way to start Christmas morning:) Thanks for the cookies Val...I purposely waited to enjoy them with a fresh cup of coffee this morning...and they were worth the wait!

Since you are my one faithful subscriber, I devote this post to sister, the person who has known me longer..and better...than anyone else on this earth! Lucky you!

I have so many wonderful memories of Christmas and all of the traditions that we had...especially on Park Rd. It's funny that you don't really think while you're living in the moment, how much these experiences will help form the person you become. Do you think Dad
ever actually knew what we were getting for Christmas? LOL! I bet he was always more surprised than we were. I still remember standing with anticipation on the stairs with you and Dad while Mom light the tree and took a picture before we got at the presents:) Then watching out the window waiting for Aunt Bert, Uncle John and Nancy to pull into the driveway so that Christmas could be complete. They didn't always make it, but Christmas was always more special when they did. Mom always had a delicious turkey and pies galore. I miss those times so much...even some of the dubious memories hold a place in my heart...we are who we are for a reason, and we wouldn't be who we are today without those experiences...and I'm good with that.
My biggest regret is that we lost our parents way too soon and all the memories our kids are missing out on. If they could see our kids now...and how they have all turned out they would be so proud!
Enough nostalgia... On with the merriment!
Merry Christmas Val...I love you.
Till then...I'll say Wen

Monday, November 14, 2011


Just a little glimpse of my new headboard. It's a little rustic, but I like it very much. I think I'll live with it for a little while and see if I want to make any changes to it. For now..I like it very much!
Thanks Ethan for making me the french cleats...they worked great!
So many little money:( Till then...I'll say Wen

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Well, hopefully everyone is getting the opportunity to get together with family and friends thankful:)
Unfortunately my oldest son and his girlfriend are in Ottawa at her Mom's (Unfortunate for me...fortunate for them:) so my youngest and I spent a great day having an easy peasy lunch, and getting a few things done around my house. I value his opinion...and his help and guidance to get me through renos. Today he took out my air conditioner and moved it done to the basement, which is a big load off my mind, and he also cut the door I purchased at Restore to make my new headboard:) Big plans...I jus have to pull it off.
School is going well, but I have to admit that I'm not going to be too sad to see the end of it! Not sure what life has in store for me, but after having been sick for the last month...and now having to battle more of a bulge, the struggle will be in not feeling too sorry for myself. I remain optimistic:)
Till then...I'll say Wen....

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lets try this again...

Again I'm trying to start writing more often in my blog. With work and school taking up so much of my time I don't seem to have too many opportunities to actually even think about what I would like to write.

I'll try not to put too much pressure on myself this time so that I can maybe live up to my own expectations.

Stay tuned..I'll say Wen

Sunday, February 6, 2011

All the things I missed...

I can't believe how fast the time is going. On January 12th Ethan turned 29! Hard to least for me anyway. Look at that face..look at that chair! What kind of a mother am I? Both my boys are cuties...they take after...somebody else obviously:) I'm not sure I'm ready for a full week of work after having a snow day this past week. It sure helped me get some of my homework caught up! It's Super Bowl Sunday and I haven't even had the TV on. That sure is a change for me. Finally feeling like I've got things under least for the time being. I hope to try and do a little bit everyday, but by the time I get home at night it's so hard to get into homework...and on top of that I get myself so confusing about which assignment and for what course I'm working on ! Old age will do that to you. I just hope I get the opportunity to use this diploma:) Loving the Subject Analysis and Classification course. Hopefully I will get an opportunity to use it sometime in the future. That is a conversation I hope to have with the boss when I have my work evaluation. Should be interesting to say the least. Till then...I'll say Wen..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yes, I'm still here...barely:)

Well, it's been awhile since I've blogged, what with Christmas, New Year's and now school, it's been a busy winter. If I'm not doing homework, I'm thinking about doing homework!
Little Carly has gone to a new home, and we're gonna miss her! I'm sure she'll be happy as now she will be able to get the much deserved attention she needs, and E won't feel so guilty every time he gets called out for work in the middle of the night! She sure was a sweetheart though. Hopefully Aunt Sherri will email me the pictures she took at Christmas and I'll share them.
A well timed snow day this past week help0ed me get some assignments done, but I certainly can't depend on that!
More later for sure...but right now, back to work...
Till then....I'll say Wen..