Well Happy New Year! I can't believe how fast this year has gone! I know we say that every year, but this year I truly mean it. Maybe it was because I spent so much of it doing school work...I bet that's it. Hopefully that will be over with in the very near future.
This year promises to be a busy one already! One more semester of school, along with two work placements, albeit short ones (hopefully), our cousin Nancy's son
Ryan's wedding in July, my nephew Anthony got engaged, and my friends Jan and Wayne becoming grandparents in July(yep Val...good news eh?) and last but not least, hopefully my graduation.
This is also the time also to put our resolutions on paper..er...in print, and let the world know our good intentions for the upcoming year. Well I'm not falling for that one. Every year I have these great intentions..not good..great..and where do they get me? Nowhere. I really just feel like I'm setting myself up for the big letdown. And quite frankly, I just don't put that much stock in them anymore. It has more to do with my willpower than any heartfelt promise anyway. One thing I am going to promise...not resolve to do...but promise myself, is to try and not let others influence the way I feel about myself. I have spent the last two years basically on a collision course with myself. Building myself up in my own mind in order to defend my position at work...only to be knocked down and told that I basically think too much of myself and what I do..or don't do at work. I became obsessed with it. This year will certainly be a different one for me, as I will either have to move up at work, move out and find another job...or lastly...get a second job..again. I really have myself to blame for the whole situation as I should have gotten all the variables down on paper when I became
full time...lesson for self...don't trust people to do the right thing..because more often than not, the ones you take on trust will disappoint you. I know that sounds pessimistic, but it is more of a safe guard then a condemnation of all mankind. If you don't expect
a lot of people then you're not so disappointment if they don't come through...but when they do...fabulous!
It doesn't mean that I have to be jaded...I'm not saying I won't come through for people, I can still help people...just not expect that help to be reciprocated..or appreciated. As for work...I will wait through January..as that was the vague given timetable..and if things don't change I will try my best to not take a bad attitude when I stop doing the extra curricular things that I normally would have done without thinking. It's time to take a stand and use the time that I would have been helping at work into finding a new job...whatever the scenario.
We'll see, till then...I'll say Wen...